Translation: Endeavour Languages
The Prestige range, linked to the Bénéteau Group for
over 20 years and an independent brand since four years
ago, currently boasts a catalogue of twelve models bet-
ween 35 and 60 feet divided into three lines: Express
Line, Flybridge and Yacht Division. Today, the yachts
built by Prestige – over 2,500 units present on four con-
tinents – are an international benchmark in the luxury
motoryacht market and aimed at owners in search of an
elegant and long-lasting product that retains its value
over time and offers maximum comfort for life onboard.
Satisfying the desires of such owners, the Italian design
team of Vittorio and Camillo Garroni, along with the
shipyard’s engineering studio, have conceived a range fa-
mous for its characteristic exterior lines and three further
concepts: single-level living, 360º panoramic vision and
an independent owner’s suite. Also deserving a mention
are the excellent fittings, which majorly contribute to
comfort onboard, and the technological and propulsion
features, decisive for safety, cruising and seaworthiness in
any sea condition and with moderate consumption.
In this context, the Prestige Yacht Division has added
a third model to the existing 620 and 620S: a 72-footer
that epitomises all of Prestige’s aesthetic, innovation-
idea to reinforce this area a bit more. It is also important
that the angles formed by the slings are around 35 de-
grees to maximise effectiveness.
Cases have arisen in which 70% of the total weight of
the yacht was towards the stern, so particular attention was
given to how the boat was lashed and in particular hoisted.
Attention must also be paid to where the slings are fas-
tened on the boat, as if we don’t choose the right point,
unexpected damage or tearing can happen. Delicate parts
should be avoided and stronger parts such as the bitts
and cleats should be chosen.
To avoid any problems afterwards, it’s advisable to
request a report from an authorised supervisor once the
hoisting and lashing operations have been completed.
The author is managing director of Yachts in Motion, S.L.,
and an international transport consultant.
related and technological values and thrusts the brand
right into the exclusive field of large motoryachts.
With a choice of MAN 800, 1000 or 1200mhp en-
gines, the sketches made by the Prestige studio show a
J&J Design keel with a water inlet, a guarantee of good
seaworthiness, and a hull whose freeboard and forms are
based around the wide-body concept to take full advan-
tage of the beam for life at sea. The superstructure sports
a truly distinctive feature that the Prestige brand sees
as a symbol of the future: long horizontal windows in
the sides of the hull. As for life on board, the brand new
Prestige 720 stands out for the use made of the deck, with
numerous open-air living spaces, as well as an extra-large
swim platform, immense cockpit and an exceptional fly-
bridge, all carefully designed to afford safety and ease of
movement on board. The interior design sets out to offer
a bright and open living area, which is actually the main
reason for the success of the 720’s predecessors. The main
concept of the layout is to achieve continuity, thanks to
which the cockpit opens onto the galley and spacious
saloon that leads through to the raised helm station. The
accommodation area, as mentioned before, offers an in-
novative way of understanding interior spaces: the wide
body concept that allows for exceptional volume in the
forward owner’s cabin on the same level as the saloon yet
separated from other areas, as can be seen in the plan here.
English translation
русский перевод
На Борту
Моторная яхта Princess 98
Моторная яхта Princess 98 протяженностью 30 метров бла-
годаря своему дизайну и сверхсовременной технологии,
без сомнений, является одним из самых значительных до-
стижений британской верфи.
Germán de Soler
перевод: Masha Grishina
оторная яхта Princess 98, построенная британ-
ской верфью Plymouth, (член группы LVMH), за-
нимает высшую ступень среди роскошных круизных су-
дов дальнего плаванья с флайбриджем. Серия Princess
включает в себя 11 моделей, начиная с 42 фунтов в
длину. Другие две серии представлены спортивными
яхтами V Class, от 39 до 85 фунтов в длину, и супер-
яхтами M Class, состоящими из двух моделей от 40 до
32 метров. Будучи частью легендарной группы LVMH,
все модели Princess поражают нас величественностью
дизайна как самого интерьера, так и всего оборудова-
ния. И моторная яхта 98 Motor Yacht, передовая в сво-
ем классе, не является исключением из этого правила.
Достаточно просто взглянуть на обородувание этой
яхты, чтобы удостовериться, что перед нами находить-
ся парадигма в своей категории. К уже привычному нам
оборудованию для этого класса яхт, как, например, ги-
дравлические якорные лебедки управления с двух по-
стов, системы связи и навигации: радар, GPS на двух
постах управления, автопилот, картплоттер, - помимо
этого стоит также добавить телескопический трап с
дистанционным управлением; плавательную платфор-
му с электрогидравлическим приводом для спуска на
воду и подъема гидроциклов, которую также можно ис-
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